Saturday, 18 September 2010

Getting back to normal?

2 weeks on from the quake now and we are still getting aftershocks - some around 4.5 on the richter thing! So whilst we hope that the worst is over and we look forward to getting back to some semblance of normality, we are constantly reminded of what we have all been through and there is always a slight doubt that the Big One is still to happen!

My previous blog probably made out that there had not been much in the way of damage or suffering - but as the dust settled and the aftershocks continued, it was clear that certain parts of Christchurch had taken a real battering. The city centre was cordoned off for best part of 2 weeks whilst engineers painstakingly checked every building for damage, etc. Quite a lot of the older buildings suffered damage and have been condemned and are already being pulled down.

Out on the East side of town where some new housing estates had been built on reclaimed land, they have experienced severe damage to properties. Matt and Lou have also discovered that despite their house remaining upright with only slight damage, the ground on which it stands has been declared unfit - so it's got to come down and they have to find somewhere else to live!! We could be having some lodgers?!

It still is remarkable that no-one died as a result of the quake. The timing played a key role in that fact. Any time during the daytime would have resulted in lots of casualties, no doubt.

Anyway, it was back to work for me on the following Monday - trying to help with organising the Company's response to the emergency - though it soon became eveident that had an emergency plan in place and it wasn't long before I was back to 'business as usual' - whatever that is?!

Sarah's school was shut for a week - along with more or less all schools in the area. They didn't experience too much damage - just some ground shift under the music department which has resulted in setting up some temporary music rooms.

Chris reported that McDonalds saw it's greatest takings on the day of the quake! I think it was because no-one has water or power for so long - so they all stopped of for cheeseburger and chips on the way to the safety of the mountains!

Talking of mountains, I don't think I got to mention that I actually got up to Mount Hutt again the week before the quake - to do some skiing. Chris was working so couldn't get there - Maria and Sarah were still in the UK - so I went along with Rob Sherman and his son Drew. Apart from a wipe-out (which hurt!) we had an enjoyable time. The drive up to the slopes was not as scary as last time - must be because Maria was at the wheel previously?!

I've decided that I'm going to do the Source to Sea bike race - a 160km effort along the Buller gorge at the end of November - along with a few work colleagues. We have had a few weekend outings in preparation. Last weekend saw us ride a 140km circuit around Kaiapoi (badly hit by the quake), Rangiora, Ashley Gorge and Ohoka. It was a 5 hour grueller - quite flat - but just long. I was exhausted at the end. I have often wondered whether I could do an Ironman Triathlon....well after getting off my bike after only 140km I could barely walk to the bathroom, nevermind run a marathon!

There are plans tomorrow for a bit of a hilly ride - Long Bays with a trip out to Purau Bay tagged on, plus a Summit Road finish as Sumner Road is closed due to quake damage. Apparently the climb from Gebbies Pass up to the Summit Road is known locally as 'Bastard Hill' - because it is one! I'm looking forward to that treat - NOT! I've actually bought a new (2nd hand) bike today to help me with the hill climbing - a bit lighter and a compact front gear.

Maria has headed up to Kaikoura this weekend to help Nicky prepare Shearwater Lodge for the forthcoming season. There's a small possee gone in - I think it will be a work hard and play hard weekend! I hope the storm that has been forecasted hasn't hit the high country and spoilt there weekend.

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