Sunday, 1 August 2010

Pinch and a Punch...

1st of August already - whatever happened to July?!

I started work at Fulton Hogan on 30th June as mentioned in the last posting. It's been good so far. Interesting business. Good people. Lots to do. I hope to be there for some time!

I'm based out at Hornby, on the West side of Christchurch and have been cycling the 10km or so most days - so it's helping with the exercise regime! I've also hooked up with a couple of fellow workers who are keen to do an occassional lunchtime run - so it's all getting rather familiar!

We finally decided upon a trip to the West Coast - Greymouth and Punakaiki to be exact - on board the Tranz Alpine Express as our alternative to our trip to Oz! It wasn't quite Sydney - that's an under-statement - but the train journey was quite spectacular.

Maria had been over there with work the week previous so provided the guided tour of all the hot spots! Actually, it was bitterly cold and grey on the second day so we were quite glad to get back on the train and head back to Christchurch!

Maria and I have had a few active outings around town. We ran the Harry Ell track early in July - only to find ourselves totally over-dressed for the occassion as the winter sunshine sent the temperatures soaring! We also had a cycle around Bottle Lake Forest - on our new trail bikes - with the obligatory stop for coffee in New Brighton at the Salt on the Sea cafe. The four of us were also hosted by Matt and Lou for a great Sunday Roast dinner early July - it was nice to get out as a family for once!

We also headed up the Rapaki Track on bikes - last weekend - though Maria spent a far amount of it pushing rather than cycling. I can understand why - it was probably one of the hardest things I've done - a combination of the steepness of the track, the weight of the bikes (and me!) plus a dogged determination to cycle all the way up! Probably closest to max-heart-rate that I've been in some time.

Sarah is continuing with her dance and acrobatic classes on Saturday mornings. She's not cycled for a while - it was school winter holidays and then she had a week off ill! Chris was also knocked back for a week with illness - bronchitis and sore throat - so his pay has been a bit light recently! He's realising that he can't really afford to run his car so I think that it's going to be appearing on Trade Me quite soon - now it's had it's latest crash damage repaired!

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