Saturday, 5 September 2009

Dream building at the Boat Show

Another sunny week here in Christchurch - when will my bike turn up? Latest forecast from "The Moving Co" is 15th September. Bring it on. Have just bought a helmet, lock and lights to enable Chris to use one of the "House bikes" this week for commuting to and from work. The restaurant opens tomorrow (Monday) after a week of cleaning, sorting, stocking, testing, etc. He gave me a tour of the place last night when I picked him up after a long days work. Enjoyed a brief chat and glass of wine with the franchise owner, Bruce. Seems a good guy and he said that Chris has been working hard - so that's a great relief!! His initial shifts are not great - he's doing night shifts to start with - 10pm to 6am! till, it's a start and it should help him to save his earnings as he'll probably be in bed for the rest of the day!

Maria had a couple of days work this week with Medica and a few days off - so I think it was more to her liking! We had a trip over to the Port Hills on Thursday morning and had a run along the Harry Ell track from the Sign of the Takahe to the Sign of the Kiwi. It was lovely and sunny with great views back across Christchurch - if you stopped to take a look, that is! Maria has now entered a series of 3 "triathlons for women" running October to December so she's back in training - she's out running around Hagley Park as I type this. We also went to Jellie Park on Friday for a swim - getting serious! I've picked up a bit of a chesty cough so I'm easing off for a day or 2.

I did have a good start to the week on the exercise front, though, having a great workout with the Port Hill Runners on Monday night. We were running for an hour and 20 mins with a tough middle section of around 11km - 3 x 3.75km negative split laps for those interested! Sore legs on Tuesday.

On the work front it's been quite busy again - though still looking forward to receiving a payment! Have engaged someone to re-design my web-page and I've had some brochures printed. I've also booked a venue to host a couple of seminars in the next month or so - it gives me something to focus on and direct my marketing and networking towards. Should be fun.

I went to an "Evening with Steve Venables" on Thursday - hosted by the NZ Alpine Club. He was the first Brit to climb Everest without oxygen tanks. It was a really good event. Some interesting stories of triumph and near disaster. Some great photos too.

Sarah and Maria spent Saturday afternoon visiting the Museum and wandering around the park whilst I went off to watch Woolston Tech in the semi-final of the South Island Football Cup. They were winning 2-0 when I left and I've not yet heard the final score. We all went out for dinner in the evening (Saturday) - Steve and Viv Frodsham invited us around to their place. Another pleasant evening of good food, good company and good wine!

Chris was back in work today (Sunday) helping the final preparations for tomorrow's grand opening. Maria, Sarah and I went along to the Boat Show at the local WestPac Arena. There were some great boats there to help inspire me to generate some positive cash-flow! Not long now....

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