Maria had a couple of days work this week with Medica and a few days off - so I think it was more to her liking! We had a trip over to the Port Hills on Thursday morning and had a run along the Harry Ell track from the Sign of the Takahe to the Sign of the Kiwi. It was lovely and sunny with great views back across Christchurch - if you stopped to take a look, that is! Maria has now entered a series of 3 "triathlons for women" running October to December so she's back in training - she's out running around Hagley Park as I type this. We also went to Jellie Park on Friday for a swim - getting serious! I've picked up a bit of a chesty cough so I'm easing off for a day or 2.
I did have a good start to the week on the exercise front, though, having a great workout with the Port Hill Runners on Monday night. We were running for an hour and 20 mins with a tough middle section of around 11km - 3 x 3.75km negative split laps for those interested! Sore legs on Tuesday.
On the work front it's been quite busy again - though still looking forward to receiving a payment! Have engaged someone to re-design my web-page and I've had some brochures printed. I've also booked a venue to host a couple of seminars in the next month or so - it gives me something to focus on and direct my marketing and networking towards. Should be fun.
I went to an "Evening with Steve Venables" on Thursday - hosted by the NZ Alpine Club. He was the first Brit to climb Everest without oxygen tanks. It was a really good event. Some interesting stories of triumph and near disaster. Some great photos too.
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