Maria was offered a job at the start of the week - a 40 hour per week role - which she has decided is too much like working for a living. So she's decided to go with some part-time agency work that she has provisionally set-up before we had left the UK. She's been for some "equipment training" and now has a schedule of clinics starting 10th August - so another 2 weeks of holiday!
The kids and I paid a return visit to the QEII pool during the week - whilst Maria was "training" - though we mis-timed it badly, arriving a few hours before any of the hydro-slides or diving boards were open. We still managed to eeck out some fun, nevertheless.
Maria picked up a bit of a head cold - not swine flu fortunately - which has knocked her back a bit - she's had to ease off the jogs around Hagley Park, etc. We were also planning another ski trip at the weekend - this time to Hamner - but we cancelled due to Maria's ailments.
Chris accompanied Matt Ashworth to a Rugby training session at Christchurch Club on Wednesday. He seemed to enjoy it and intends to repeat next week. Of course it did require a new set of kit on Chris' part - boots and gum-shield included. This adventure lark doesn't come cheap, I can tell you!
The other main activity this week has been enrolling Sarah into Heaton Intermediate School for the remainder of the academic year. She starts on Monday, and we've been gathering bits of uniform for her as the week has progressed.
I've started getting things rolling regarding my business and have registered with the Canterbury Chamber of Commerce, plus have reserved a company name at NZ companies house and sorted out a web-site domain and address. Now the fun bit - to produce a half-decent web-site!
For those of you who are interested, the site's at ...and any constructive comments for web-site improvements will be welcome!